
Lesson 17

Natural human eyes are not the neutral (normal) eyes, but the hyper-far-sighted eyes. They are eyes with lower curvature and longer focus than neutral eyes, but flexible and active. They are able to see very far and very near. They can see better and clearer at far distances than neutral eyes. They can see more stars in the heavers. They can also see better in the dark. They have to bend their eyes slightly to see ordinary distances. It is this bending action which makes them see better than neutral and perfect eyes.

Nearly all primitive men had hyper-far-sighted eyes. It is admitted by most eye-men that nealrly all children today, up to the age of four or five years, have hyper-sighted or long focus eyes. It is in childhood or adolescence that they lose their hyper and become neutral and near-sighted. Sometimes, they also become poor-sighted and astigmatic.

Hyper-far-sighted eyes may well be divided in three grades. The normal or low grade from 0.25d. to 1.25d., the middle grade from 1.50d. up to 3.00d., the higher grade from 3.00d. up to 4.50d. Hyper sighted eyes of 4.00d. or more seldom can see well at a distance. It is a poor vision eye. It is hyper but not far-sighted. Hyper-sighted eyes of 4.00d. or more can see much better in the dark. In the dark, they can see much better with their naked eyes than with their glasses -- in the dark, they can see better than good eyes.

Nearly all primitive men had and nearly all children now, who are 5 years or younger, have eyes that are about 1.00d. hyper. Primitive man used his eyes mainly for distance, for heavenward and star-gazing. He bent his eyes for nearer seeing at intervals and only for short and momentary durations. Our children of today are compelled to use their eyes for prolonged near-seeing. They are given no chance to relax their eyes for far-distant seeing, nor to stretch their eyes for star-gazing. It is no wonder that many change, during adolescence from being hyper-far-sighted and become poor-sighted or near-sighted and astigmatic.

Contents | Lesson 16 | Lesson 18